PRESS RELEASE: Spontaneous topological Hall effect in intercalated TMD

We published a new study in Nature Physics on Apr. 21, 2023, reporting spontaneous topological Hall effect induced by non-coplanar antiferromagnetic order in intercalated TMD system.
Assistant Professor Dr. Minami is involved in this project and finds the system’s most stable non-coplanar magnetic phase based on the first-principles calculation.
“Spontaneous topological Hall effect induced by non-coplanar antiferromagnetic order in intercalated van der Waals materials”
H. Takagi, R. Takagi, S. Minami, T. Nomoto, K. Ohishi, M.-T. Suzuki, Y. Yanagi, M. Hirayama, N. D. Khanh, K. Karube, H. Saito, D. Hashizume, R. Kiyanagi, Y. Tokura, R. Arita, T. Nakajima, S. Seki
Nature Physics